Understanding The Different Types Of Smash Repairs

Never underestimate the damage that a car can sustain from a minor collision. A fender bender can turn into more than just dented doors and dinged paint jobs. Minor collisions are often ignored or dismissed by drivers, but they can lead to major smash repairs North shore that you won't see right away. That's why it's important to understand the different types of smash repairs so you know what your car may need after an accident.

Minor Damage

Minor damage is the most common type of car accident. It's also one that often isn't covered by insurance, but you can still get your vehicle repaired quickly. Some minor damage requires only a couple of days to repair, and cosmetic work may be all that's needed to restore your vehicle to its pre-accident condition. Minor damage is usually defined as any structural or frame damage that doesn't affect the safety or drivability of your car.

Minor damage may also include:

  • -A dent in the body or hood of your car, but not the frame

  • -Scratches or dents on the paint job

  • -Cracked windshield or windows that can be repaired without replacing them

Medium Damage

Medium damage is usually caused by a single impact. This can include minor and major accidents, as well as the result of everyday wear and tear.

The most common type of medium damage is caused by a minor accident, such as scraping against a pole or getting into fender bender that causes your bumper to be pushed in slightly. The good news is that this kind of damage can often be repaired at home with some tools (and some know-how), but if you're not sure how to fix it yourself then we recommend going down to your local auto body shop for advice!

If you've experienced medium damage to your car, don't panic! It's something that can be fixed, though it may take a few days. If you're wondering how much this kind of repair will cost, then we recommend getting an estimate from your local auto body shop.

smash repairs north shore

Major Damage

Major damage can be caused by a collision with another vehicle or object. A minor fender bender may not seem like much at first, but if you have major damage, it's going to cost you more to repair the car because the repair shop needs to spend more time fixing it than they would if there were only minor scratches and dents on the side of your vehicle.

Major damage can also occur when an object falls onto your car while parked in a parking lot or garage and causes severe damage to one side of the vehicle. This type of incident often results in extensive cosmetic repairs (like replacing damaged panels), as well as structural repairs (such as fixing rusted frames).

Minor damage can occur from a minor collision or when an object falls on your car. This type of damage is easy for repair shops to fix because there are only small scratches and dents on the side of your vehicle.


The best way to understand the different types of smash repairs North shore is by looking at the type of damage they can be used for. For example, if you have a dent in your car door, then it will most likely need traditional bodywork done on it. This involves both fixing the dent itself and painting over any damaged paintwork so that it matches perfectly with the rest of your car's bodywork.


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